Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thank You All So Much

First of all, I just want to say thanks to everyone who has given me support so far on this journey. Even though I'm not even gone yet, I already feel well taken care of while I'll be there.

Secondly, to all who want to donate money but don't feel like using their credit card to do so, I suggest making out a check in my name and sending it to me at the following address:

Chris Morales
Re: Casa Guatemala
80 Hickory Rd.
Fairfax, CA 94930

If it arrives before I leave (Feb. 6), I can put it into the proper account. If not, I can arrange for this to be done in my absence. To all who wish to send some physical goods, please do not send it to me - I most likely won't have room in my luggage. Once I arrive at the orphange and speak to the director, I'll have a better idea of where this sort of donation can be sent, and I'll pass that information along to all of you.

Thanks again for your support,

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A Plea to Friends and Family

Hello to all,
In mid February, I will be leaving on a jet plane destined for the small, impoverished country of Guatemala. Guatemala sits on the isthmus connecting North and South America and shares borders with Mexico and Belize to the north, El Salvador and Honduras to the south, the Pacific Ocean to the west, and the Caribbean Sea to the east. Originally home to the Mayan people, Guatemala has a very colorful history full of ancient Mayan civilization, Spanish colonialism, revolution and civil war. Political and social turmoil within its borders over the last four decades has left this country struggling to keep up with the rest of the world. With 56% of the people living below the poverty line, a literacy rate of only 70%, and Malaria, Dengue, Hepatitis A, and Typhoid Fever still prevalent in many of the rural and undeveloped parts of the country, Guatemala could surely use a hand in its struggle for national health and economic security.
A hand is exactly what I plan to offer for the next four months when I volunteer at an orphanage located on the Rio Dulce, in northeast Guatemala. Casa Guatemala is an orphanage that cares for the nurturing, health and education of over 250 children. These children come from a variety of backgrounds; some have been abandoned, some have been abused, while still others come from families too poor to even provide the basics of a child's needs. The orphanage receives no government support and is totally dependent upon the kind donations from people and groups from around the world.
Casa Guatemala is split into three sites, each operating in concert with the other. There is an infant home and medical center located in Guatemala City, a teenager home in Guatemala City where older kids can live and continue their studies in the city, and the children's village, located on the Rio Dulce, where some 250 children live, eat, learn, rest, play, and grow.
Although I do not know exactly what my responsibilities will be when I arrive, there is a lot to do in the children's village, and I envision myself working in all aspects of life there. There will be opportunities to help on the farm, teach in a classroom, provide physical education for the kids, and also work on maintenance and construction of the facilities there.
Strong earthquakes have threatened to collapse a water tower that provides irrigation water to the village farm. This farm provides food for the village as well as an excess that can be sold for income to pay employees and provide general upkeep to the facilities. One of the major tasks I wish to accomplish while I am there is come up with some fundraising strategies in order to raise enough money to demolish the existing tower and replace it with a new, sturdier tower that will provide water for the village and secure its sustainability.
Please help me to help these orphans with their struggle to grow up and not only survive, but thrive, and help bring Guatemala to good health and prosperity in the world. Visit or click the link on the side for more information on the orphanage and the proposed projects they wish to accomplish in the near future. Monetary or mental donations are kindly accepted. If you would like to donate money, please click on the 'donate' button. Even the smallest amounts of money mean considerable gains to the children.  If you would like to donate ideas as to how to help make Casa Guatemala more self-sufficient or on any technical work that needs to be done, please comment and I will gladly take note and make appropriate suggestions to the director.
Thank you for taking the time to read my plea. During my stay at the orphanage I will try my best to update this blog with stories and pictures from abroad so check the site every now and then to see where your donations went or to see how I'm doing.
Thank you and God Bless,