Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Thank You All So Much

First of all, I just want to say thanks to everyone who has given me support so far on this journey. Even though I'm not even gone yet, I already feel well taken care of while I'll be there.

Secondly, to all who want to donate money but don't feel like using their credit card to do so, I suggest making out a check in my name and sending it to me at the following address:

Chris Morales
Re: Casa Guatemala
80 Hickory Rd.
Fairfax, CA 94930

If it arrives before I leave (Feb. 6), I can put it into the proper account. If not, I can arrange for this to be done in my absence. To all who wish to send some physical goods, please do not send it to me - I most likely won't have room in my luggage. Once I arrive at the orphange and speak to the director, I'll have a better idea of where this sort of donation can be sent, and I'll pass that information along to all of you.

Thanks again for your support,

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