Sunday, March 22, 2009


Its about 7:30 here in Rio Dulce, Guatemala. Its a little below 20 C and its slightly raining. The kids are inside the comedor watching a flic. This hour or so of activity after dinner gives me a little time to do somthing on my own. sometimes i´ll play some guitar on the dock in front of the office, sometimes i hang with the kids, and sometimes i use the net, like tonight, although the connections a little slow, so i´d rather not bother most of the time.
today was a good day. after a late wake up, cause it was the weekend (645 am), we had some breakfast, did chores, etc., and i went to the volunteer house and made myself a dank cup of joe. After playing some guitar, I did some drawing in the ´ol notebook. Its a drawing i´m happy to have, cause it actually looks good. some drawings are better than others. just like my days here i guess. i found out today that although i don´t live in the volunteer house, i have to pay 10Q a week for propane for a stove and coffee and sugar, and also have my name on some chores. needless to say, i´m spending a lot more time there, and making a lot more coffee. my chore today was to gather all the garbage in the house and take it to the basurero, where they pile the garbage and burn it. this included although waste paper from the toilets, as we can´t through that down the bowl. handling that load and putting a match to that pile was probably the hightlight of my week and i can´t wait for the next time i get chosen for that chore. (lots of sarcasm there, if you didn´t catch it) . After lunch, me and the other orientador of the varones grandes, Manuel, a 31 year old from Spain, took our boys, 27 of them (several went home for the weekend, several stayed behind) on a 6 km walk to Rio Frio. The walk takes us south away from the river, through several fields of grazing cattle, and down on to another, smaller river, set nicely in the jungle. after some rope swinging and tree diving, we had some watermelon and cookies, and went back to the house. i did the same walk yesterday, but with the little kids, and had to carry a large pot of spaghetti, so i didn´t enjoy myself as much yesterday. plus, the little kids stop often to eat dirt and cry, and things always take longer.
dinner was pretty good tonight. beans and rice. i think i might have tasted some celery in the rice. it was a good crunch. that´s about it for the day. i think the movie´s done, so i gotta go put the kids to bed. its eight oclock. getting late....
shot out to my brother jon. happy early birthday bro.

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