Monday, May 4, 2009

Its Already May?

Wow. April has come and gone, and with the arrival May, thunderstorms have also come my way. I swear I did not mean to rhyme, the words just felt right at the time.
So much to say, but so little time. Some words are better than none though. Its been a long couple weeks since I got back from my second descanso. My second descanso, which I took with four other volunteers north to the Peten, and east to the Carribean, was average. It was a much different mood from my first, in which I traveled by myself, but the company was fun, and it was nice getting to know my company at the orphanage outside of those circumstances. Unfortunately, by the end, all of us had fallen under the weather, a serious storm at that. One had blinding jungle eye disease, two others a rare parasite from eating bad ice cream, and Andrea and I, just your normal everyday third world food poisoning. This being said, spirits were only their highest one or two days at the most. In short, Semuc Champey? awesome! Livingston? Skip it. Go to Honduras instead. Pictures are on the right for those who wish to partake in my vacation and my return.
My kids, it seems, have grown accustomed to my face, accustomed to my voice, and accustomed to me. Slowly but surely, their respect and obedience diminished as we became closer friends. This all boiled up in a kettle until I finally had to cut to the gas and put them back where they belong, in their place. Their is a fine line between parent and friend, one that is often times hard to see and easy to cross, but one that most be walked if you are to maintain some sort of order in the house. I continue to learn about myself, and about my work. Each day, new problems arrise, and each has to be dealt with. I find myself being tired, and often times very frustrated with a situation that I don´t neccesarily know how to handle. Some issues get solved; others don´t. The only consistency here is the beans and rice. It seems there is a lack of dinero for the old foodo. But what once I might have noticed as being boring and monotonous, I don´t think twice about, and eat it happily for every meal of the day, every day of the week. That is not to say that the other volunteers and I don´t have some very exciting conversations about food concoctions that we can only get close enough to smell in our dreams.
It is hot down here, so I shaved my head today. It was my first time in a barber shop in Guatemala. Not very different from Linda´s in San Diego.
Now I have to go walk across the bridge back to Fronteras to pick up the externos from school. They don´t really like walking with me back to the boat. I´m that lame babysitter that they don´t want people to know that I take care of them. Or maybe I´m a dead give away that they live at Casa Guatemala? No se.
Happy Birthday to my May friends: Caitlin, Alex, T, Melissa, Jimbo. Happy early Mother´s Day. Happy Spring to those that get it.


  1. Hi!!! It's so good to hear from you. I'd been wondering what was new, and missing you too.

  2. And by the way, rough stuff - all of it. But it's just so awesome that you're there experiencing it. Nice butterfly, by the way! Love you.

  3. Chris nice pics keep them coming buddy. Who is the lady friend?
