Saturday, October 5, 2013

One of our first group activities.  Mindo, Ecuador

Toucans, from afar.  Mindo

From the 2nd floor balcony of the eco-lodge. Sunrise.  Mindo

Cascadas de la Reina.  Mindo

Butterfly pupa.  Mariposario.  Mindo

1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris Loved the pictures. Did you take them with your new camara? Today i finally tuned into your blog. I thoroughly enjoyed the article on the Tsachita adventure, and more specially I found your questions on defining "culture" to be very thought provoking.

    Like the tiger in your zoo, a man is more than what can't be seen behind his skin. For sure, his personal space and appropriations define him in a more extensive way. And all space and resources are not only a network of local community, but of our global brotherhood as well. No man is an island. Yet we respect the color and form of each individual as well as his local culture. Indeginous isolation limits the potential within all human beings. Peace. pop.
